Center Point is a gospel-centered congregation of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) in Tallahassee, Florida. Our mission is to serve Tallahassee, finding and sharing the life in Christ with our community. We strive to be a worshiping community that is invested in each others’ lives, caring for our neighbors in the center of the city. In these tasks, we are completely dependent on the love and grace of our Redeemer.

Brian Douglas
Senior Pastor
Brian has been married to Jordan since 2001 and has three kiddos: Iain, Elinor, and Mila. He grew up in Fort Lauderdale, studied at Stetson University and Knox Seminary, and lived in England and Idaho before coming to Tallahassee in 2020.
Worship is central to our church community and a weekly moment in our church’s life when we attempt to come humbly into the presence of our God to offer Him our gifts of thanksgiving, prayerful submission, praise and tithes. Our worship is a time when God meets us as we are, restores us to Himself and grants us the grace to carry His mission out into the world. Nursery for infants through pre-K is provided during our worship service, and children grades K-5 are dismissed prior to the sermon for Children’s Church.
Community is another central theme at Center Point and is where most of our corporate prayer happens. We meet weekly in homes over a meal to fellowship with one another, share our joys and struggles, and to lift one another to God in prayer. Newcomers are always welcome, and attending a community group is a great way to get to know other folks at Center Point and get plugged into the heart of what we’re about. It’s also a great way for us to get to know you and, hopefully, learn to love and serve you well. We have two groups open to everyone, including children, and childcare will be provided. For information on how to get connected with a community group, visit our Ministries page.
In discipleship, we strive to build one another up in the Christian faith, encouraging one another by looking at God’s Word and allowing it to work in and teach us. We believe that an encounter with Christ in His Word is essential to growing in our faith. In our attempts at discipleship, we hope that all teaching is permeated with the grace of Jesus Christ so that we are encouraged to follow Him by relying and trusting completely in His righteousness and not on our own attempts to work our way into His favor. Discipleship at Center Point happens in community groups, men’s and women’s small group Bible studies and Children’s Church. For information on current discipleship offerings, visit our Ministries page.